Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Felixia Yeap is an idol of mine

Didn't mean to "steal" her pictures. Feel free do click Felixia Yeap's blog =) She was a Playboy Bunny and now she is heading towards a better way of living life. To be honest. I feel insecure. She is not a muslim and she loves the hijab fashion. Alasan gadis berhijab tidak boleh bergaya? Itu semua alasan. Well I'm trying to be one of those hijabsters. It's easy to put on hijab but it's not easy to change their perceptions on you. Manusia, hati kotor. Sebilangan yang beriman sahaja yang berjaya jaga lidah dan hati, menghindarkan diri dari segala fitnah. Ramai yang memuji Tasha berhijab. Tapi sebilangan masih berfikiran negatif. Contohnya " You colourkan rambut you eh?" "Apa dah jadi dengan you? Dunia nak kiamat ke apa?" Sedaif Tasha sekalipun, Tasha berfikir sebelum bercakap. I learned that very often the most intolerant and narrow-minded people are the ones who congratulate themselves on their tolerance and open-mindedness. Ada yang bergosip pasal Tasha "on off" ! Tasha baru je belajar berhijab. Baju Tasha memang sangat limited untuk hijabsters. I am still learning. Throw out any words about me as you want. I know myself better. This is between me and Him. Have faith. 

Love, Tasha.

no one can do it =.=